
I like to capture the moments when we live an emotion that moves us in the different stages of our existence. Living these moments allows us to stop and reflect, to draw conclusions, and to keep moving forward.

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I create works on rather serious subjects, a sort of outlet for our dark thoughts that can arise from the outside world, from social events for example, or from our inner world.  They allow people to recognize themselves and identify with a segment of their lives. Painting or sculpture are, in my eyes, tools of expression that fix the moment of my perception of the character or the scene that I observed. Bringing art back to oneself is very important. For example, when I create portraits, I like to reproduce a character trait by distorting the facial features and expressions. Drawing a hidden universe, going beyond the image and digging into the soul. This is not to impose ugliness, but rather to erase the effect of the perfect. For in each of us lies a part of darkness.

Fabienne Rancourt